
Gift a magic moment

Right now, families living with blood cancer face countless moments of heartache.

But we’re closer than ever to the magic moment we finally beat blood cancer – and with your help, we can beat it for good.

Gift a magic moment. Help beat blood cancer this Christmas.

Hugo and mum, Lisa, with a Christmas star.

There were moments we thought Hugo might not make it

- Lisa, Hugo's mum

Blood cancer used to be fatal for children like Hugo. In the 1960s, only one in 10 children diagnosed with the most common type of childhood blood cancer, called acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, would survive.

But today thanks to scientific breakthroughs and research into new treatments, 9 in 10 children with ALL will survive. Progress is being made, and scientists are so close to beating blood cancer for everyone, for good. Your support today can ensure future generations never have to miss out on Christmas together – or any magic moment – because of blood cancer.

Please donate today, and help us reach the magic moment we beat blood cancer for good.

We need your help to beat blood cancer

Your gift this Christmas will support groundbreaking research that can help us see the magic moment we beat blood cancer for good.

Thank you.

Dr Paul Maciocia in the laboratory