
Supporting people

People with blood cancer need clear information about their cancer and their treatment options.

Blood cancer patients are more likely than any other cancer patients to leave their diagnosis appointment feeling they don’t fully understand their condition. We want to change that. We provide clear information about blood cancer that people can trust, in a language they can understand. Every year, we deliver more than 40,000 booklets about blood cancer to hospitals and patients, and our online health information is accessed 350,000 times.

People also need advice and support on how to adapt to day-to-day life after a blood cancer diagnosis. There are challenges that are quite unique to blood cancer, such as living with cancer as a chronic condition, being on ‘watch and wait’, having treatment that lasts for many years or having a fluctuating course of remissions and relapse. We support people through all of this.

This is why we have a phone line and email address where people can speak to one of our trained blood cancer support officers who can provide information about your blood cancer, and help with emotional and practical support. Every year, we respond to thousands of enquiries from people affected by blood cancer. We also run an online forum where people affected by blood cancer can connect, share experiences and give support to each other.

As well as information on diseases and treatment, we have helpful information on how to live well with blood cancer. We also have a website for young adults with blood cancer.

A woman takes a call on a headset as she works from home, looking at the computer in front of her. She's seated at a leather office chair with a filing cabinet and window behind her.

Worried about anything or have questions?

If you need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate to contact our Support Service by phone or email.

Support for you