Terms and conditions for Blood Cancer UK events
By applying for a Blood Cancer UK charity place at an event organised by a third party (the ‘Event’) and associated training events you accept and agree to abide by the following terms.

Blood Cancer UK registration
We reserve the right to refuse any application at our absolute discretion, without providing reasons for doing so.
Entry to the Event is subject to the payment to Blood Cancer UK of the notified registration fee (which includes VAT where applicable) prior to participation in the Event. If you are not awarded a Blood Cancer UK place in the event we will refund any registration fee which has been paid.
Registration with the event organiser
Your place is reserved for that Event, but you are required to register with the Event organiser to confirm your place.
We will provide you with further information about this at a later stage. Failure to register with the Event organiser may result in your place being lost, but you will not be entitled to a refund in these circumstances if you have paid a fee for your place.
You must sign up to, and comply with, the Event organiser’s Event rules and/or terms and conditions.
Fundraising and payment
You commit to raising at least the Minimum Sponsorship for Blood Cancer UK as specified for this Event.
You will only raise funds on behalf of Blood Cancer UK in connection with the Event.
All funds raised for Blood Cancer UK shall be held on trust by each Participant for Blood Cancer UK and paid to Blood Cancer UK within 4 weeks after the date(s) on which the Event is scheduled to take place. If the Minimum Sponsorship has not been paid four weeks after the event, Blood Cancer UK will contact you to understand how and when you intend to pay the outstanding balance. This may include, but is not limited to, extending the fundraising deadline to allow additional time to fundraise or agreeing a payment plan from your personal funds.
You will use only lawful methods to fundraise for Blood Cancer UK and will comply with the advice given in the fundraising pack but specifically you will
- Not raise money by carrying out house to house collections
- Obtain Blood Cancer UK's written consent before collecting in any public place. You will also need to obtain a collector’s licence from the responsible local authority (usually local council or police) and to make it clear that you are not an employee or agent of Blood Cancer UK
- Not conduct any collection on private property (including shops, pubs etc) without first obtaining the permission of the owner;
- Not conduct any raffle or lottery without first obtaining written consent from Blood Cancer UK
- Not shake a collection tin or bucket, as this is prohibited by law;
- Not do anything which will or is likely to bring the name or reputation of Blood Cancer UK into disrepute;
- Contact the charity well in advance of putting on a public event, and ensure that the event and all third parties involved are fully insured;
- Obtain all fundraising materials and logos directly from Blood Cancer UK, and not reproduce Blood Cancer UK's logos or name without Blood Cancer UK's express permission;
- Indemnify Blood Cancer UK and keep Blood Cancer UK indemnified from and against any and all loss, damage or liability (whether a criminal or civil) (including, without limitation, legal fees and costs) incurred by Blood Cancer UK resulting from a breach of this Agreement by you or any other act or omission by you.
You understand that Gift Aid is not included in your Minimum Sponsorship, but that money raised from Gift Aid is a valuable bonus for Blood Cancer UK.
Refunds and cancellation
We will refund any registrations processed through the website for the first seven days after you purchase them. After that all registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable.
We regret that we are unable to refund the registration fee if the Event is subsequently cancelled.
If you do not take part in the event, any funds you have raised will be treated as donations unless your sponsors contact Blood Cancer UK directly for a refund.
Data protection
You agree to Blood Cancer UK storing the information that you provided on their database and that it may be used by Blood Cancer UK in accordance with the prevailing data protection legislation and our Data Protection policy
You agree that Blood Cancer UK may share your details with the Event organiser.
Blood Cancer UK will use the information provided by you to manage the Event and your involvement in it.
Blood Cancer UK will keep you up to date with Blood Cancer UK activities or provide any other information in accordance with your stated preferences.
You will agree to provide emergency contact information when registering for the Event, in addition to writing this information on your Participant Number where supplied.
Blood Cancer UK reserves the right to pass all information provided by you to any first aid organisation or medical provider attending and assisting at the Event for safety purposes.
In the event of that you receive any treatment by a Medical Provider, you agree that the Medical Provider may provide Blood Cancer UK with your name and the details of the circumstances surrounding that that treatment and/or if you are withdrawing from an Event due to ill health or otherwise.
Photos and publicity
Photographs and videos may be taken throughout the Event in which, as a participant, you may feature.
You consent to all and any use in any current or future media by Blood Cancer UK and/or its group companies of any photographs, images and/or films in which you feature, and the parents or guardians of any Young Person give consent in respect of their child(ren).
You acknowledge that no payment will be made to you for the use of any photographs, images or films in which you or your child (ren) feature.
Health, safety and fitness
You take part in this event at your own risk and will not hold Blood Cancer UK or any connected persons responsible for any accident, injury or illness sustained to the fullest extent possible in law.
It is each Participant’s own responsibility to assess their fitness and to ensure that they participate only if sufficiently fit and will check with your doctor to ensure that you are medically fit to participate in the Event
Blood Cancer UK shall not be under any obligation whatsoever to process, analyse or otherwise take any action on any medical information disclosed to it either during or after the registration process for an Event.
Blood Cancer UK may prevent any Participant from taking part in the Event (either at the start of or during the Event) if Blood Cancer UK or any medical representative considers that a Participant should not participate in the Event for health and/or medical reasons.
When taking part in an Event, we ask that you avoid behaving in any way which may cause offence or damage the reputation of Blood Cancer UK, for example by using aggressive or abusive language, or by behaving in a way which may cause injury or harm to other participants and/or spectators.
No illegal substances or intoxicants of any kind are to be brought into the Event or used by you before or during The Event.
Blood Cancer UK, their employees or agents reserves the right to refuse your attendance or participation in the event if you are found not to abide with any or all of these Terms & Conditions.