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Your Big Brunch in 8 easy steps

Hosting a Big Brunch is a great way of bringing together friends, family and colleagues together, even when we're apart. Follow our easy steps to hosting your own Big Brunch.

Two women wearing Blood Cancer UK t-shirts laugh together, sitting in front of some cakes.

Sign up to receive your free pack. Follow the instructions below if you plan to host your own Big Brunch.

The great thing about brunch is that it means something different to everyone. Whether it’s a quiet Sunday with steaming coffee with the family, or a raucous affair in a restaurant with your friends, everyone loves brunching! Make sure when you’re planning your Big Brunch you pick a time and place to suit your guests.

Once you’ve settled on your date and location, it’s time to start to promote your event. We’ve got posters that you can personalise and invites you can hand out. Don’t forget to promote your event to your friends on social media too. Give everyone plenty of notice to make sure they can make it - we suggest planning your brunch a couple of months in advance.

Hot buttered toast and orange juice or an asparagus frittata with mimosas? Perhaps all of them, and more? Choosing the menu is one of the most fun parts of planning your event. Don’t forget to offer a few options for people with different dietary requirements.

Once you’ve decided what to cook, make yourself a shopping list so you don’t forget any essentials. If you explain what your food is for at your local shops and supermarkets, they may even donate some food for free.

Ahead of the day, think about your timings, how much room you’ll have in the oven, when you need to use the hobs and when you’ll need to start cooking. Planning it out means you can spend more time with your guests on the day.

Once you’ve collected all your donations, send them in to us so that we can start using it to help beat blood cancer. We'll send you details of how to pay in the money you raise.

Don’t forget to thank everyone for supporting your brunch, from your guests to anyone who supported you or donated to the cause in the run up to the day.

A brunch spread including fruit and waffles

Get your free Big Brunch fundraising pack

Our pack will help you organise your very own Big Brunch and help us to beat blood cancer.

Sign up to host a Big Brunch