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Tips to help you succeed

After being diagnosed with CML in 2006, Ed Jones decided to host a fundraising concert for Blood Cancer UK. Ed has gone on to host 14 fundraising concerts for Blood Cancer UK, raising in excess of £40,000. We spoke to Ed to find out what his top tips for hosting your own Let’s Beat It event.

Leukaemia survivor Ed Jones playing the guitar at a charity concert in Milton Keynes

How do you make sure that your Let’s Beat It event reaches (and surpasses) your fundraising target?

Don’t rely simply on ticket sales to drive your fundraising. There are loads of extra ways to raise money. Here’s just a few

  • Sell merchandise at your event. From T-shirts to pin badges, whatever you think might sell!
  • Hold a raffle or auction on the night
  • Host a bucket collection to take donations as people leave
  • See if you can get a local business to sponsor your event. By getting the costs sponsored, you’ll be able to send more money directly to Blood Cancer UK

What are your top tips for promoting a Let’s Beat It event?

  • Using social media is the key to engaging with your contacts. Make sure everyone can share your event on their own platforms!
  • Try to get some local press coverage if you can. You’re hosting a charity event so chances are the local press may well write about your event ahead of the night.

What are your top tips for getting as many people as possible to your event?

  • Try to make your event line-up as varied as possible. The broader the range of acts that are performing, the more diverse your audience will be!
  • If you’re hosting a gig, get as many bands as you can on the line-up. Chances are, each band will bring a group of friends/family/a fan club(!) with them, which will boost the number of people at your event.

We hope you found Ed’s tips useful!

If, like Ed, you are driven by a passion and love for music, then organising a music event could be the perfect way for you to put the FUN in fundraising.

A black and white image of a guitarist on stage playing an electric guitar.

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