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54-mile training plans and tips

If you're signed up to take part in the London to Brighton 2025 Bike Ride, then these training plans are for you. Whether this is your first 54-mile cycle ride, or you're an old hand at cycling long distances, we've got a training plan to suit you.


Our 20-week training plans will help you understand what each session will achieve and are designed to build strength and effort in a smart, systematic way.

Our handy training plans are easy to follow. Just download a plan to suit you (beginner, intermediate or advanced) and get started!

Beginner (20 week) 54-mile cycle training plan

Perfect for beginners, or those looking to up distances with a safe and steady pace. We use threshold intervals to challenge you and a guide to the 'talk test'.

This 20-week plan will take you to race day as safely as possible.

Download the beginner 54-mile training plan below.

Intermediate (20 week) 54-mile cycle training plan

If you're looking to level-up your training and include more structured training, this 20-week plan is for you. Your plan includes a handy 'talk test' to explain how you should feel at every effort level.

Download the intermediate 54-mile training plan below.

Advanced (20 week) 54-mile training plan

If you're a seasoned long-distance cyclist and ready to be challenged, this training plan is for you. This plan includes a handy 'talk test' that explains how you should feel at every effort level.

Download the advanced 54-mile training plan below.