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My Peak Challenge and Blood Cancer UK

My Peak Challenge (MPC) is a global campaign that inspires its members to live healthier, happier and more balanced lives whilst raising funds to change the lives of others.

A head and shoulders shot of Sam Heughan (Blood Cancer UK's Scotland President), with the actor looking smoulderingly at the camera.

Sam Heughan


Founded by philanthropist and Outlander star Sam Heughan, funds raised from MPC funded a clinical trial at the University of Oxford that is testing a hugely promising way to treat one of the most aggressive forms of blood cancer, acute myeloid leukaemia. The continued dedication of the Peakers is now funding a research group at Newcastle University who are collaborating with scientists across the globe to help shape the way we treat childhood leukaemia.

A group of My Peak Challenge participants pose for a picture in the countryside.

2019 saw 'Peakers' and the Blood Cancer UK community do some incredible fundraising


The start of 2019 saw one lucky fan win a glamorous date with Sam at the MPC Gala in March, in a campaign that raised an incredible $850,000 for Blood Cancer UK. Peakers also took on the Munro Step Challenge - where participants conquered Scotland’s 20 highest peaks (‘Munros’) wherever they were in the world by taking the equivalent number of steps. In 2019, Sam also hosted the largest ever MPC Gala! The weekend brought over 1,000 Peakers to Scotland to celebrate their monumental achievements, where Sam – with assistance from a pipe band – led a march around Arthur’s Seat and hosted a Scottish banquet.

To find out more about MPC and to sign up, visit the My Peak Challenge website.

Former Blood Cancer UK Chief Executive, Gemma Peters, sits smiling at a table with a collection pot next to her.

Gemma Peters, Chief Executive of Blood Cancer UK


“The support of Sam and the whole MPC community of Peakers is so valued by everyone at Blood Cancer UK and people affected by blood cancer. It’s amazing to see the movement bringing together communities from across the globe and empowering people to live healthier and happier lives whilst also raising such an incredible amount of money for Blood Cancer UK since 2011. Thanks to their support we have been able to fund two ground-breaking research projects bringing us closer to beating blood cancer.” — Gemma Peters, Chief Executive of Blood Cancer UK

Three friends sat around an outdoor table, surrounded by foliage, drinking coffee and working on a laptop.

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