
We're here for you if you want to talk

0808 2080 888

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Get involved with Blood Cancer UK in London

We're always keen to hear from people who want to find out more about us and our activity in London - perhaps you'd like to fundraise, volunteer, or are interested in our research?

Our events are fun and rewarding, and we're always on the lookout for enthusiastic people to give a bit of their time - taking part, volunteering, or even organising their own events to help beat blood cancer. If that sounds like you, please get in touch!

We have some fantastic long-term supporters in London, groups and individuals, organising many events and other fundraising activity.

You might want to get involved in one of our new Community Groups, being the local face of Blood Cancer UK in your area. Or, you might want to give some of your time to place collection tins in your local area. However you might like to join in, we'd love to hear from you!

Our newly formed Chingford and Woodford Green Community Group are no strangers to fundraising, having already raised an amazing £78,000 for blood cancer research. This Group has big plans for the year ahead and has already arranged numerous exciting events to raise more vital funds and awareness.

The Barnet Fundraising Group raises awareness of blood cancer research and represents the charity in their local community, they've raised a tremendous £50,000 to date!

The Boutell Fundraising Group raises awareness of blood cancer research and represents the charity in their local community, they've raised a tremendous £14,000 to date!