
Our professional networks and steering groups

We're here for you if you want to talk

0808 2080 888

[email protected]

We have a range of networks, panels and groups that will allow you to meet other healthcare professionals, discover opportunities to get involved with our work, and stay updated on the latest news in blood cancer research.

Steering groups

Our Healthcare Professional Advisory Panel and Nurses Working Group work closely together to drive forward our projects and ambitions as an organisation.

Professional networks

If you're not ready to commit to getting involved with one of our projects yet by joining a steering group, you can sign up to our networks to stay updated on what's going on. We have one network for all types of healthcare professionals except nurses — if you are a nurse, we have a specialist network for you to join.

If you are unsure about which mailing list you should sign up to our what group you should join, please get in touch with our healthcare professionals team. They'd be happy to chat with you.