
We're here for you if you want to talk

0808 2080 888

[email protected]

Healthcare Professional Network

Receive regular updates about blood cancer news, research and opportunities to improve services for the blood cancer community.

Membership is free. It's up to you how you get involved. You may prefer to just receive our updates or you can take part in surveys, and focus groups, lead on projects, or speak at events. Find out more about the network.

Complete the form below to join the network

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If you selected 'any other' from the list above, please state your ethnic group here.

Blood Cancer UK is committed to actively promoting equality, diversity and inclusivity. We are asking this question because we want to make sure that we involve and support people from all backgrounds in our work and hear a full range of voices and experiences. The information you supply on this form will be kept confidentially. You do not have to answer this question if you do not want to.

If you have further questions or would like to find out more, please email us at [email protected]

Keeping in touch

As a supporter, you’re at the heart of everything we do. We’d love to keep you updated about our exciting work and the ways you can help, including campaigns and events that you might be interested in. We promise to respect your privacy and we will never sell or swap your details.

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You can change how we communicate with you at any time by getting in touch.