
All Party Parliamentary Group Meeting

12th Feb 2018

A brief overview of the APPG event launching The 'Hidden' Cancer

The All Party Parliamentary Groups launch of The ‘Hidden’ Cancer -The need to improve blood cancer care, was a huge achievement in raising the profile of blood cancers. The report was launched in Parliament on January 17th 2018 with 17 MPs in attendance.
Following the release of the report, MPs agreed that the 2015 Cancer Strategy does not support blood cancer patients sufficiently and more needs to be done. With the report receiving so much attention from MPs, Ambassadors and health care professionals, Bloodwise is hopeful and eager for things to move in a forward direction- exciting and promising times ahead for the improvement of life for blood cancer patients.

Thank you to those who attended the event, it made a great impact having the presence of a patient voice. Thank you to Wendy Leigh and Jane Leahy for speaking on SKY News, it generated a lot of buzz- a great day for awareness. Also, thanks to Jane for her brilliant speech at the launch; she captivated the audience, giving a very touching and heartfelt speech about her experience.

The Policy Team has written a comprehensive review of the report, which I highly recommend reading through and sharing with others.


You can find a full copy of the report here:



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