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It feels like while everyone's getting back to normal, my life’s still on pause

4th May 2021

Jill's been shielding since March 2020. She hopes that research into how effective the vaccine is will help people with blood cancer get back to normal.

Jill, blood cancer patient, stood outside her house in the sun.

Jill stands outside her house, where she's been shielding for over a year.


During the first lockdown I found getting by quite easy, but the second one was very much more difficult and lonely.

I have great concerns about the protection people with blood cancer have from the vaccine.

I’m now left feeling terribly vulnerable, and like many others, wondering just where I stand.

I’ve been shielding alone since last March, and I feel, as do others in my position, that I have been left rather let down when I have tried to find out more information.

I have been told to shield until at least June by my consultant. He is hoping that by then, with the extra vaccine rollouts, it will be safer. Although I must admit that after some of the scenes of people not social distancing I’ve seen on the news, I’m worried about what will happen.

Knowing more about the protection offered by the vaccine will give me greater confidence returning to the outside world, which I’m lacking at the moment.

It means I’ll be able to see my family and friends, including my great grandchild who was born in lockdown who I’ve only seen a few times.

Thank goodness that with Blood Cancer UK’s help and their medical experts, this situation is being looked into.