Our guidance around attending events in Autumn
With many of the blood cancer community more vulnerable to Covid, we outline our policy on in-person events taking place in the autumn period.
We always follow latest government advice: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus please look here for restrictions & guidance for your local area. For this reason, we will look to continually update our approach if UK government guidance changes as we move into autumn.
If you have blood cancer and are planning to attend one of our events or you are a volunteer running one of our on behalf of events you should be aware/ make this information available to those attending your event that research so far suggests that the covid vaccines may not provide the same level of protection for people with blood cancer as it does to the general public.
Not knowing what level of protection you or those around you may have can be understandably difficult, particularly when making decisions about running or attending events so our Support Team are on hand to talk on 0808 2080 888 or [email protected]. Whether you are a member of staff, a volunteer or a supporter living with blood cancer please visit our coronavirus & vaccine page for the latest information: Covid vaccine efficacy and blood cancer | Blood Cancer UK
You should not attend an indoor or outdoor event if:
- If you have tested positive for COVID-19 and are still within the required isolation period.
- If you display any coronavirus symptoms (e.g. new and persistent cough, high temperature, loss of smell or taste) and are awaiting the results of PCR test.
- If you have been advised to isolate by one of the UK nation’s’ track and trace systems - please follow the guidance and timescales as advised by the track and trace system.
- If you have travelled from overseas and have not completed the full quarantine period required for your destination (where applicable).
- If you have any concerns around your own personal health & safety. Despite the lifting of social distancing restrictions, we recognise that many of our supporters may not feel comfortable in some situations or attending some events. This is especially true for people living with blood cancer/other underlying health conditions who may have concerns around vaccine efficacy. We encourage all our supporters to only return to in-personal fundraising events and activity only if you feel safe and comfortable to do so. Whether you are a member of staff, a volunteer or a supporter living with blood cancer please visit our coronavirus & vaccine page for the latest information: Covid vaccine efficacy and blood cancer | Blood Cancer UK
Best Practice Guidance for Volunteer Run Events:
- We recommend that all volunteers running or attending in-person events wear a mask or face-covering. Please refer and adhere to any local guidelines on mask-wearing.
- We recommend volunteers running on behalf of events take a lateral flow test within 48 hours before the event date, regardless of vaccination status.
- We recommend that volunteers request that event attendees also take a lateral flow test within 48hours before the event date, regardless of vaccination status [suggested wording provided].
- Volunteers should ensure their event should adhere to all relevant social distancing measures.
- For indoor events: Where possible open windows and doors and ensure good air circulation within venue.
- Wash your hands with soap regularly, and for at least 20 seconds or regularly use anti bac gel where hand washing is not possible.
- Volunteers should consider appropriate sanitation measures for their event (e.g. providing sanitation/anti-bac gel for attendees, ensuring equipment and surfaces are properly sanitised, refreshments provided should be single use and wrapped, etc.)