
The Blood Cancer UK Research Strategy Patient Panel

Read about our Research Strategy Patient Panel and the vital role they played in helping us to set our research priorities, so that we can continue to have the biggest impact possible.

A composite photo consisting of 12 headshots of members of Blood Cancer UK's Research Strategy Patient Panel.

What is our Research Strategy?

With the help of our Research Strategy Patient Panel, we have now finalised and published Our Research Strategy. This outlines our research priorities over the next five years.

This will help us to ensure that we fund the most important research, that could lead to plenty more incredible breakthroughs in blood cancer research.

Through the implementation of our research strategy, we want to accelerate the rate of progress in blood cancer research, so that we can beat blood cancer sooner and improve the outlook for anyone diagnosed with blood cancer.

About our Research Strategy Patient Panel

We invited people affected by blood cancer to apply for a place on our panel, which was launched in May 2020.

We aimed to have as inclusive and diverse a panel as possible. The panel was made up of 14 people, whose wide range of experiences helped to inform our vital work. This covered age, gender, different types of blood cancer and backgrounds.

This included people affected by leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other blood disorders (e.g. aplastic anaemia). Every panel member had experience of blood cancer, whether they'd been personally affected, or through family members.

What did our Research Strategy Patient Panel do?

The panel took part in a series of 1-2-1 conversations and workshops with the other members and Blood Cancer UK. This allowed us to hear everyone’s thoughts on the most important areas of research to invest in over the next five years. This was reviewed alongside feedback from our research community to prioritise certain areas.

This all took place online, due to Covid-19 restrictions and engaged with the group throughout the development of our research strategy.

We strongly believe in the mantra, 'Nothing about us without us,' and wanted to make sure this remained true throughout the process.

How can I get involved?

This is a past opportunity and the panel has now been disbanded following on from the completion of Our Research Strategy.

We are currently looking to further involve people affected by blood cancer in our research, so please watch this space!