
Sign up for blood cancer support by email

This regular support email from Blood Cancer UK will bring you:

  • Clear information
  • Practical tips
  • Advice from others with blood cancer

You’ll get seven emails, over seven weeks, on topics like diagnosis, treatment, support for your family and friends, and blood cancer research.

We’ll keep the emails short and practical, as we know a blood cancer diagnosis is overwhelming. You can also unsubscribe at any time.

If your hospital have offered you a referral to Blood Cancer UK and you provided your email address, you will already be getting these emails, so there is no need to sign up again.

Blood Cancer UK is committed to actively promoting equality, diversity and inclusivity. We are asking about ethnicity because we want to make sure that we involve and support people from all backgrounds in our work. You don’t have to answer this question.

When these emails end, we will add you to our mailing list (if you agree below) and you will begin receiving our general newsletters. They are full of research updates, important information and ways you can support us to beat blood cancer in a generation.

Keeping in touch

As a supporter, you’re at the heart of everything we do. We’d love to keep you updated about our exciting work and the ways you can help, including campaigns and events that you might be interested in. We promise to respect your privacy and we will never sell or swap your details.

I am happy for you to contact me by:

You can change how we communicate with you at any time by getting in touch.