
We're here for you if you want to talk

0808 2080 888

[email protected]

Supportive care

We're here for you if you want to talk

0808 2080 888

[email protected]

As well as having treatment for APL, you'll need other treatments to support your body through some of the problems caused by the cancer and the side effects of the drugs you're on. These may be referred to as 'supportive care'.

Blood transfusions

You’ll need regular blood transfusions (blood that has been donated from someone else) to help your blood clot and lower your risk of bleeding. You will probably have these as soon as you doctor thinks you might have APL, until your blood can clot normally.

Anti-sickness drugs

Treatment for APL can make you feel and be sick – though not everyone will experience this. If you do, there are anti-sickness drugs (also called anti-emetics) that can help. Find out more about coping with feeling and being sick.

Managing infections

Because APL affects your immune system, you’ll be at greater risk of catching infections. Find out more about managing infections and reducing your risk.