Staging CLL
Staging describes how much the CLL has developed. It’s information doctors may use to decide when someone needs treatment and what treatment to recommend.
There are two different ways of staging CLL. Both systems look at the number of lymphocytes, red blood cells and platelets in your blood and which areas of your body are affected.
The Binet system
The Binet system has three stages, A, B and C, with C being the most advanced stage. This is the CLL staging system most often used in Europe.
The Rai system
The Rai system has five stages (0 to IV) with IV being the most advanced stage. Rai stage 0 means you have a high lymphocyte count but no other signs of CLL.
The Rai system is more commonly used in the United States.
See also our information about tests after a CLL diagnosis.

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