MGUS (monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance)
MGUS is a blood condition that affects blood cells called plasma cells. It is not in itself a type of blood cancer, but there is a small risk that MGUS can develop into a type of blood cancer.

What is MGUS?
MGUS is a blood condition affecting plasma cells. Most people with MGUS have no symptoms and will never need treatment.
More about MGUS

MGUS and blood cancer
People with MGUS have a higher chance than normal of developing blood cancer, but it is still rare for this to happen.
What do I need to know?

MGUS diagnosis and monitoring
MGUS doesn’t need treatment, but you will have check-ups to monitor the condition.
Read more here

MGUS and your mental health
Finding out you have MGUS can be worrying, and it’s important to look after your emotional health after diagnosis.
Living with MGUS
Many thanks to Dr Simon Stern and Dr Kamaraj Karunanithi for checking the accuracy of our information about MGUS.