
Polycythaemia vera (PV)

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Polycythaemia vera (PV) is a slow-growing blood cancer where your body makes too many red blood cells. It's one of a group of blood cancers known as MPNs, or myeloproliferative neoplasms.

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This information about PV is accredited with the PIF TICK, the UK's only quality mark for trusted health information.

Last full review September 2023. Next full review due September 2026. We may make factual updates to the information between reviews.

We would like to thank Consultant Haematologists Clare Kane and Mallika Sekhar for checking the medical content of our PV information, and Clinical Nurse Specialists Jodie Nightingill and Madeleine Ward for their guidance and support. Thank you also to Alex, Jacqui, Jeremy and Vij for supporting this project and sharing their experience of living with PV.