Neutropenia and neutropenic sepsis
Find out what you should know about neutropenia and the steps you can take to prevent sepsis.

Neutropenia and the risk of sepsis
What is neutropenia, and how does it raise your risk of infection and sepsis? Learn the symptoms of sepsis, which is always a medical emergency.
Essential information

Eating safely with neutropenia
If you are neutropenic, you can get infections more easily from food. Read about the importance of good food hygiene, and which foods may be high risk.
Get the guidance

Order your free infection alert cards
With our pocket guide you can record infection symptoms and personal details to share with medical staff. Find out what to do and what to say if you go to A&E.
We would like to thank:
Haematology Consultants Dr Ailsa Holroyd and Dr Piers Patten, Lead Nurse Jodie Nightingill and Advanced Nurse Practitioner Amanda Lane for checking the accuracy of our information about neutropenia and the risk of sepsis
Specialist Haematology Dietitians Natasha Jones and Victoria Mace for checking the accuracy of our information about eating safely with neutropenia.
This information has been accredited with the PIF TICK, the UK's only quality mark for trusted health information.
Published November 2024. Next full review due November 2027. We make factual updates to the information throughout this period.