Sore mouth or gut (mucositis)
Mucositis is a common side effect of some blood cancer treatments. It affects your gastrointestinal tract, which includes your mouth and gut.

Mucositis explained
Mucositis is a condition which affects the gastrointestinal tract in your digestive system. You can find out about the different types of mucositis and what causes them on this page.
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Mucositis symptoms
Symptoms of mucositis can start up to two weeks after you begin treatment for blood cancer. Our page has more information about what to look out for and what to tell your healthcare team.
Check your symptoms

Mucositis treatments
There are lots of medicines and other treatments that can lower the risk of getting mucositis, and help with the symptoms if you do get any.
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Mucositis self-help tips
There are lots of things you can do yourself to avoid and reduce the symptoms of mucositis.
Discover ideas and tips
Thank you to Consultant Haematologist Anne Parker and Clinical Nurse Specialist Jodie Nightingill for checking the medical content of our mucositis information.