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What can the community do to help?

There are steps you can take today to help raise the profile of blood cancer.

Two Blood Cancer supporters hug at the London marathon race reception

Raising public awareness

It's clear that raising public awareness of blood cancer will make a significant positive difference to the lives of people affected by it.

This is why, at Blood Cancer UK, we are on a mission to get blood cancer recognised as one of the five most common cancers.

But we can’t do it on our own.

Like everything else we’ve ever achieved as a charity, delivering this change will depend on the efforts of the thousands of people who come together for a common cause. So, if you’re reading this and are asking if you can help, the answer is: yes.

What can you do to help?

  1. If you’re affected by blood cancer, when you’re talking to friends and family about it, consider adding six words: ‘It’s a type of blood cancer’.
  2. If you know healthcare professionals who treat people with blood cancer, ask them if they tell their patients that their condition is a type of blood cancer. And if they don’t do this regularly, talk to them about the positive difference this can make.
  3. Tell your friends that blood cancer is the UK’s fifth most common cancer, and that leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma are all types of it.
  4. Use whatever platform you have to help us spread the message. Whether it’s talking about it on social media, putting it up on a local noticeboard, or writing to your MP, every small action we take to spread the message will help bring about transformational change.
  5. Sign up to our newsletter, so you stay up to date and contribute to our ongoing efforts to raise the profile of blood cancer.

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