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News and blogs

340 results found.

A Christmas message from Blood Cancer UK

Christmas always seems a natural point to look back and take stock of the year. I won't sugar coat the past 12 months, but we can all be proud of how our community has come together and what we've achieved.

22nd Dec 2020

Shielding at Christmas will be lonely... but I believe and hope in the future

Pat always hosts Christmas for the whole family. But with the vaccine in sight, she's made the decision to stay apart until the new year.

17th Dec 2020

Pat, who lives with Classical Hodgkin lymphoma, celebrates Christmas with her family in her house.

From coronavirus to clinic: how did we get a vaccine?

We know a lot of people with blood cancer have questions on whether the coronavirus vaccine is safe after such a short amount of time. We hope to answer some of these questions by explaining how these vaccines have been developed.

11th Dec 2020

My shining light, Aly

This Christmas, Jo introduced us to a very special nurse, Aly, who was one of the shining lights that helped her throughout her treatment. Whether it was to make her laugh, give a warm hug, or the confidence to keep going.

4th Dec 2020

Coronavirus vaccine approved for use next week: Our response

Gemma Peters, Chief Executive of Blood Cancer UK, responds to the news that the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine is approved for use and will be deployed as early as next week.

2nd Dec 2020

Close-up of Covid-19 vaccine vials laid out in rows.

Giving back to the community

A year ago, Sunny was in a critical condition. With a positive frame of mind to help him recover, he's been using his new lease of and genuine appreciation of life to help vulnerable people in the community throughout the pandemic.

1st Dec 2020

Photo of Sunny standing by his car boot, giving a 'thumbs up', with lots of food shopping in bags visible in his car boot behind him, ready to be delivered around the community.

Making decisions about your Christmas plans if you have blood cancer

If you’re finding it hard to plan or think about Christmas this year, here are some things that might help you with decision-making and techniques for coping with uncertainty.

30th Nov 2020

Close up photo of a Christmas display, with holly leaves and a small model wooden house.

The coronavirus vaccine: what you need to know

We explain what we know about the potential vaccines and what they could mean for people with blood cancer.

25th Nov 2020

A close up of someone's hands with blue gloves on - they are squeezing a syringe into a vile.

A list of employers paying fully salary to vulnerable staff who can’t work from home during lockdown

About 1 million working age people in England are “clinically extremely vulnerable” to the coronavirus.

11th Nov 2020

How does the coronavirus affect people with blood cancer?

We're funding vital research that will explore how different types of blood cancer might affect someone’s individual level of risk from coronavirus. This could lead to tailored advice for people with blood cancer during this pandemic.

11th Nov 2020

Portrait pictures of Professor Graham Collins and Dr Claire Palles

Let the next chapter bring new adventures

Franko tells us about his journey with multiple myeloma, from his diagnosis through to remission, and what has helped him along the way. During lockdown, he became a volunteer on our forum, using his experiences to help others.

5th Nov 2020

Franko, blood cancer patient, with Michelle Roux Jr at a train station.

Our response to the latest shielding guidance in England

The Government announced that England will enter a second lockdown from 5 November, and have advised clinically extremely vulnerable people not to go out to work if they can't work from home. Here is our response.

4th Nov 2020

Close-up of a phone screen displaying an official Covid-19 article explaining 'what you need to do' from the NHS and HM Government.

Our response to the latest coronavirus advice

On Saturday 31 October 2020, the Government announced their plans for four weeks of national restrictions in England and gave new advice for those who are shielding. Here is our response.

2nd Nov 2020

The pool of uncertainty

Angie explains her mounting worries and anxieties about the impact of coronavirus. Like many people with blood cancer, she feels forced to neglect her health to earn money, and return to a workplace where she doesn't feel safe.

29th Oct 2020

What does the three-tier system mean for people shielding in England?

We outline what the current Government advice and recommendations are for people with blood cancer in each alert level under the new three-tier system.

15th Oct 2020

A warning icon of a yellow triangle with a black exclamation mark, on a maroon background.

Does having chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) increase your risk from the coronavirus?

We take a closer look at the findings of two studies into people with CLL who have had the coronavirus.

14th Oct 2020

A close up image of a man wearing a blue medical mask, looking away from the camera.

We call for the Government to urgently revise new shielding guidance

Following the Government's announcement on shielding, our Chief Executive Gemma Peters is calling on the Government to urgently revise the new shielding guidance and give people with blood cancer financial and mental health support.

13th Oct 2020

Close-up of a phone screen displaying an official Covid-19 article explaining 'what you need to do' from the NHS and HM Government.

Because my journey can help someone with theirs

It's been four and a half years since Jane achieved remission. Here, she reflects on the painful symptoms and "horrible" side effects of her blood cancer treatment, and explains that without taking part in a clinical trial, she wouldn't be here today.

1st Oct 2020

Jane Leahy, blood cancer patient, with her family in front of a church.

Because research can beat blood cancer in a generation

Together we’ve achieved a lot in the last 60 years. We've invested over £500million in research and improved diagnosis and treatments for people with blood cancer. But can we beat blood cancer in the next generation? Yes, and here's how...

30th Sep 2020

Professor Chris Bunce and Dr Farhat Latif Khanim look at a screen together in a research lab.

My only option was all that I needed

Johanna was told that she had only one treatment option available to her – to take part in our clinical trial. Thanks to this, Johanna was able to control her leukaemia and spend more valuable time with her family.

29th Sep 2020

Johanna, holding hands with two female family members in a house.