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Research impact

Over 60 years, we've invested more than £500 million in blood cancer research which has led to a long line of breakthroughs that have improved treatments and saved lives.

Together we’ve achieved an incredible amount in the last 60 years, but there’s still much more to be done before we see a day where blood cancer is finally beaten.

We believe that if we continue funding research at the same pace as we have been for the last 60 years, in the next 30 years, we’ll be in a position to ensure there are more effective treatments for every type of blood cancer. We can beat them all!

David Eastwood, co-founder of Blood Cancer UK, holding daughter Susan who was living with leukaemia before later passing away.

Our research impact on leukaemia

Many of the leading doctors in the 1960s and 1970s, who looked into finding cures for leukaemia, were either directly funded by us or played a crucial role on our scientific advisory board.

A framed photo of Hugo, a young blonde boy in remission from childhood leukaemia, leaning on a log, looking at the camera.

Our research impact on childhood leukaemia

Tackling childhood leukaemia was the main area of focus for our founders and is where we have some of our biggest research breakthroughs

Doctor with stethoscope round neck talking to female patient about treatment.

Our research impact on myeloma

Our research in myeloma has helped pioneer new treatments and improve existing ones.

Doctor examining patient's throat by feeling for swollen lymph nodes in examination room.

Our research impact on lymphoma

Our research in lymphoma has focused on improving treatments.

Two researchers side by side in a lab focusing on looking through microscopes at samples.

Our research impact across all blood cancers and beyond

We’ve invested in lab research, resources and people.

Doctor with a stethoscope around their neck talks to patient about their blood cancer.

How our research helps other types of cancers

Our investment in blood cancer research has provided crucial understanding of how cancers develop as well as tests and treatments. Some of this learning has helped people with other types of cancer and other diseases.

Our discoveries

Read about sixty years of discoveries our researchers have made that have had a positive impact on the lives of people with blood cancer.

60 years of life-saving research

Get the full story of the research we’ve funded and the lives that have been saved over the last 60 years in our impact report

Read report