Side effects
Side effects are the unwanted effects of blood cancer treatment. Some people experience these effects as a result of the cancer itself, even if they aren't having treatment.

Brain fog
Brain fog can often be a side effect of blood cancer or its treatment. Read our information about what to expect and how to manage brain fog.
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Coping with changes to your body or appearance
Blood cancer might change how you look, but it doesn’t have to change who you are. Click here for more information and support.
Changes you might experience

Fatigue is one of the most common side effects of blood cancer and its treatment. We have suggestions on how to boost your energy and manage extreme tiredness.
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Fertility problems
Some blood cancer treatments can reduce your fertility or make you infertile, which can be very hard emotionally. Click here for more information and support.
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Hair loss
Blood cancer treatment often causes hair loss as a side effect, which can be upsetting even if you're expecting it.
Things that might make you feel better

If you have blood cancer you might experience itchy skin. Itching can be a symptom of blood cancer or it may be caused by the treatment you are having.
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Peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage)
Peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage) can be a side effect of blood cancer treatment. Find out what symptoms to look out for and how to manage them.
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Sleep problems
Many people with blood cancer have trouble getting enough good quality sleep. If you’re feeling tired and frustrated by sleep problems, you’re not alone.
Read our suggestions

Sore mouth or gut (mucositis)
Mucositis (sore mouth or gut) is a common side effect of blood cancer treatment. Read more about causes, treatment and self-help tips.
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Sickness and vomiting
Some blood cancers and treatments for blood cancer can make you feel sick (nausea) and, sometimes, cause you to be sick (vomit).
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Thank you to the clinical experts who reviewed the medical accuracy of our side effects information, and to all the people affected by blood cancer who shared their stories and experiences with us.