
Follicular lymphoma treatment and side effects

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Follicular lymphoma after treatment

Your follow-up arrangements will depend on what type of treatment you have had, and how well the lymphoma responds to treatment.

Your healthcare team will explain how often you should come for follow-up checks after you've finished your treatment.

It’s very important that you don’t miss these appointments. A normal pattern for people with low-grade NHL is to have periods of remission followed by relapses, so your doctor will need to monitor you in case this happens. It’s also important to report any new signs or symptoms, such as swollen glands, to your healthcare team, so that they can investigate.

If the lymphoma responds well to treatment, it might be many months, or even years, before you need any more treatment.

Some people don’t feel as happy about finishing treatment as they expected. It can be a bit scary when you stop seeing your healthcare team as often, and this may be the time when you are most in need of emotional support. Talk to your healthcare team about how you feel, as they can reassure you. They may also refer you for counselling if you feel this would help.

Rob, who has CML, makes a smoothie with a young family, placing fruit into a blender.

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