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Hodgkin lymphoma stories

We're here for you if you want to talk

0808 2080 888

[email protected]

Hear from others who've been diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma.

Nadine, wearing a yellow jumper and smiling

Facing Hodgkin lymphoma head on

As a young black woman with Hodgkin lymphoma, Nadine has struggled to find support that represents her. She talks about sharing her journey on social media to raise awareness.

A close up of Megan Rhodes wearing a bright purple wavey wig, looking straight at the camera.

My journey to empowerment

Read Megan's reflection on being diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma, getting into remission, and what she did to take back control of her life.

Louise, blood cancer case study

When treatment doesn't go to plan

Louise talks about how she stayed hopeful during her treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma, even though she needed more treatment than she expected.

Bianca, who was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma, with her husband at a public function.

Asking for help to work through chemo

Bianca explains how a supportive employer helped her to manage working through chemotherapy for Hodgkin lymphoma.

Lawrence, who was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma, standing in front of a church congregation wearing a suit.

Keeping my business running through treatment

Lawrence talks about his diagnosis and treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma, and how he managed to keep his business running.

A stock image of a man and a woman walking arm in arm through a dimly lit park, smiling slightly and wearing jackets.

How I found the financial support I needed

Louise explains how a support worker helped her access the benefits she was entitled to after her Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis.

A selfie of a woman (Federica) smiling, wearing a pink and black headscarf

Finding hope in the face of infertility

Federica shares her story of how blood cancer treatment affected her fertility, and the impact it's had on her life.

Natalia, diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma

No one talks about how hard it is when treatment ends

Lots of people with blood cancer find it hard emotionally when treatment ends. Natalia shares her story of what she went through.

People with blood cancer have shared what it feels like to be diagnosed with blood cancer, how they coped with treatment and found support. Read their stories here.