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Myelofibrosis (MF)

We're here for you if you want to talk

0808 2080 888

[email protected]

Myelofibrosis (MF) is a slow-growing (chronic) type of blood cancer. It's one of a group of blood cancers known as MPNs, or myeloproliferative neoplasms.

Looking for printed information?

Order free copies of our myelofibrosis booklet for you, your family and friends, including tips from people living with myelofibrosis.

"Understanding my diagnosis, risks and symptoms was the most important part, being able to read my body, notice changes and speak to my team for the best care. Not allowing this to limit my life."

Louise, living with MF since 2021

Louise, in remission after a stem cell transplant for myelofibrosis (MF)

This information has been accredited with the PIF TICK, the UK's only quality mark for trusted health information.

Last full review 2024. Next full review due 2026. We make factual updates to the information throughout this period.

Thank you to Consultant Haematologists Dr Clare Kane and Dr Donal McLornan for checking the clinical accuracy of our myelofibrosis information, and Clinical Nurse Specialists Jodie Nightingill and Advanced Clinical Practitioner Maddie Ward for their guidance and support.