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News and blogs

340 results found.

"We all miss her, and this is one of the many ways we keep her memory alive."

On Christmas Eve in 2002, Misha's daughter, Posy, sadly and unexpectedly died of blood cancer. Posy was a positive person and a talented actress, who will always be remembered by her family. Misha and her granddaughter are kindly donating money from their book to help beat blood cancer.

16th Dec 2021

A family photograph of three people - a mother and her two grown-up children.

New treatments to be made available to those at highest risk from Covid

On Wednesday the 8th December, the Government announced that people who are most at risk of severe Covid infection will now be able to access treatments quickly after they receive a positive PCR test.

10th Dec 2021

Ho Ho, Oh No! Did you say blood cancer?

When Erica was diagnosed with blood cancer in 2003, she thought she’d be celebrating her last Christmas. Erica knows all too well that being diagnosed over the festive period can be especially overwhelming, and has some advice for you.

7th Dec 2021

An older woman looks direct to camera, wearing a santa hat and tinsel around her neck. She's indoors, at home.

Putting equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of our mission

2nd Dec 2021

At a protest march, marchers hold up a sign with Equality and Diversity written on it.

Why am I being invited for another Covid vaccine? - Third doses and boosters

Anyone who is immunocompromised, including anyone with blood cancer, is now eligible for a booster (fourth dose) of the Covid vaccine, to be given three months after their third primary dose. In this blog, we explain more.

30th Nov 2021

"I am incredibly happy to be alive and I am glad I took part [in the clinical trial]"

When Shibu was diagnosed with blood cancer in 2006, cord blood transplants were a 'new concept'. After struggling to find a bone marrow donor, Shibu was offered a place on a trial where he'd receive a cord blood transplant. Here's how it went.

29th Nov 2021

A man, wearing glasses, in a head shot.

Imagine being told, at 23, that you have cancer

"Our lives are wonderful and will continue to be so. Cancer isn’t the be all and end all. My life was flipped over by cancer, but now, I have seen the person I never knew I was." - Jika Edström

25th Nov 2021

A woman in her 20s poses for a photograph outside. She's wearing a wooly hat and coat and sits at a cafe.

The Big C: Cancer or Covid?

Nichola put down many of her blood cancer symptoms down to long-Covid. After an aggressive chemo regime which left her unable walk, she is now in remission and determined to regain her strength. Find out how she's doing in our Jog 26.2 mile challenge.

24th Nov 2021

A young woman - Nichola - wearing a Blood Cancer UK t shirt under a winter coat stands smiling on a bridge in the countryside.

Antivirals and monoclonal antibodies – what’s the difference?

We’ve been hearing about new treatments that the UK have bought to tackle Covid. Some drugs have already been approved for use in the UK, some are yet to be – but the hope is that they will help those most at risk of severe Covid.

22nd Nov 2021

A selection of different white pills and colourful capsules close up.

How did the third Covid vaccine dose roll-out go so badly wrong?

We take an in-depth look at a timeline of delays, missed opportunities, and mistakes which have caused huge anxiety among people with blood cancer – and may have even led to avoidable deaths.

17th Nov 2021

Close-up of Covid-19 vaccine vials laid out in rows.

Our guidance around attending events in Autumn

With many of the blood cancer community more vulnerable to Covid, we outline our policy on in-person events taking place in the autumn period.

9th Nov 2021

Two Blood Cancer UK members of staff, wearing masks, smiling at a bucket collection, in front of Blood Cancer UK merchandise.

How re-purposing drugs could revolutionise blood cancer treatment

Find out how re-purposing drugs could help us bring new treatments to people with blood cancer, faster.

26th Oct 2021

A close up two people's hands, one holding an open pill bottle the other holding orange pills in their right hand.

Children and young people with leukaemia and lymphoma: big increases to survival rates

25th Oct 2021

Childhood blood cancer survival rates see big improvement

Improvements to blood cancer treatments mean an extra one in 10 children and young people now survives leukaemia and lymphoma compared to 20 years ago, according to a new analysis by our charity.

25th Oct 2021

Analysis finds 1 in 20 Covid intensive care patients are immunocompromised

Immunocompromised people now account for 1 in 20 Covid patients being admitted to intensive care, according to our new analysis of the data.

20th Oct 2021

A picture of the covid-19 vaccine

Just 44% of people with blood cancer invited for potentially lifesaving third vaccine dose

The roll-out of the third dose of Covid vaccines to the immunocompromised has been a chaotic failure, with less than half of people with blood cancer being invited by the deadline set by the NHS, according to our new survey.

15th Oct 2021

Close-up of Covid-19 vaccine vials laid out in rows.

In memory of Emma

We're delighted to announce that we have expanded our range of cards with three designs by the late artist, Emma McKinlay – with all profits going towards beating blood cancer.

14th Oct 2021

A young woman - Emma - wearing a small straw hat in a garden outside.

Blood cancer and your employment rights

Ben Goodall from Acas explains how employees with blood cancer are protected by law, and how to handle discussions with your employer about the impact blood cancer has on your working life, especially during the current pandemic.

11th Oct 2021

The logo for ACAS - "working with everyone"

Supporting people with blood cancer to make decisions around clinical trials

Millie, an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, tell us about her important role in helping people with blood cancer to make decisions around clinical trials. Here, she explains some of the barriers she faces, and how she overcomes them.

7th Oct 2021

A middle aged Black woman in glasses and a pink shirt.

What should you do if you have blood cancer and cannot get a third Covid vaccine dose?

With many people reporting issues with the rollout of third doses of the vaccine, we’ve set out what you can do right now to try to get your third dose if you have not already been invited for it.

30th Sep 2021

Close-up of a vaccination sticker showcasing that someone has had their Covid vaccine with a crown in the centre overlaying a heart.