
Our new strategy

One of the key things we did in 2022-2023 was develop a new strategy for the next five years. We are confident in the strategy’s direction and ambition because people affected by blood cancer were at the heart of developing it.

Two Blood Cancer supporters hug at the London marathon race reception

Refining our mission

We have refined the language surrounding our mission. When we talk about 'beating blood cancer', we mean getting to the day when no one dies as a result of their blood cancer or their treatment.

Refining this definition has allowed us to ask ourselves a simple question whenever we are faced with a new decision regarding our strategy – is it the decision that is most likely to bring forward the day when blood cancer is finally beaten?

The strategy contains three areas of focus:

We need to significantly increase the amount of research we fund in the future, so that we are funding over £14m of research by year five.

We need to develop a Blood Cancer Action Plan for the UK, which will set out a roadmap for improving blood cancer care. We want this to be a catalyst for ending the current situation where people from some backgrounds or areas are less likely to survive than others, and for bringing the UK survival rate up to the levels already being achieved in the best-performing countries.

We need to raise the profile of blood cancer, because the fact that it is not seen as a common cancer in the same way as breast cancer, bowel cancer or lung cancer means it is not getting enough attention and this is causing ongoing harm to people with blood cancer.

How will we achieve this?

We need to significantly increase both the amount of money we raise and the number of people we are in contact with, including a big increase in the number of people benefitting from our services. Read more about our new strategy.

A researcher looking through a microscope.

Discover the rest of our 2022-2023 annual report