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News and blogs

340 results found.

What's the latest on Evusheld?

Many people living with blood cancer will be deeply disappointed by the news that the Government will not make Evusheld available until an appraisal (a full assessment) of the drug has been completed. We are also devastated by this announcement and are continuing to campaign for it to be bought and made available on the NHS immediately. Here's an update on what we’re doing, along with some information about the context of the Government's decision.

18th Aug 2022

Facts and information about blood cancer

Blood cancer is the UK’s third biggest cancer killer, and yet awareness and understanding of it is much lower than for other types of cancer.

4th Aug 2022

Five things we learned about blood cancer services from the Cancer Patient Experience Survey

Every year, NHS England asks thousands of cancer patients in England about their experiences. We've picked out five key things we think the NHS and Government should be focusing on, which we believe would save a significant number of lives.

3rd Aug 2022

A female doctor in a lab coat injecting a female blood cancer patient at the top of her arm.

Over 120 leading clinicians have signed a clinical consensus statement, declaring that the Covid-19 protective antibody treatment Evusheld should be used as soon as possible to protect people most vulnerable to Covid-19.

Over 120 leading clinicians have signed a clinical consensus statement, declaring that the Covid-19 protective antibody treatment Evusheld should be used as soon as possible to protect people most vulnerable to Covid-19.

28th Jul 2022

A picture of the covid-19 vaccine

Blood cancer and covid: making choices that work for you

We know it's still an uncertain time for the blood cancer community, with many people trying to find the right balance between protecting themselves from the virus and looking after their mental well-being.

26th Jul 2022

A close up of two people holding hands

Survey highlights forgotten pandemic victims

As the country as a whole returns to normal, a quarter of people with blood cancer remain anxious about leaving their home

13th Jul 2022

A doctor with blue gloves holding a medical implement.

Did you know people affected by blood cancer help decide what research we fund?

For the first time at Blood Cancer UK, this year a group of 16 people affected by blood cancer reviewed all applications received by us for research funding.

23rd Jun 2022

Members of the PVGAN panel

Our strategy: How will we approach partnerships in future?

We're currently refreshing our strategy to ensure we learn the lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and are ready and able to meet the challenges of the next five years. We've undertaken this together with people affected by blood cancer, who have been alongside us as we moved rapidly through the process. Today we have an update on how we'll approach partnerships.

10th Jun 2022

Our strategy: How we're going to build our community

As we continue with our series of blogs explaining our work around our strategy, today we look at how we plan to reach more people affected by blood cancer.

10th Jun 2022

Meet some of our incredible volunteers

I'm Jo Buckton, Volunteer Co-ordinator at Blood Cancer UK, and today I want to tell you about some of the wonderful people who volunteer with our charity, and how you can get involved too!

7th Jun 2022

Nicole volunteers

Evusheld – is it effective?

In this blog, we talk about what the latest research is telling us about how effective Evusheld is.

6th Jun 2022

Injection and empty bottles

Monkeypox and blood cancer

Find out about monkeypox, how it spreads, signs and symptoms, cases in the UK, and what it means for people with blood cancer.

6th Jun 2022

Abstract representation of Monkeypox virus down a microscope.

Strategy update: How we'll set the agenda on blood cancer research

27th May 2022

This is Blood Cancer

“This is Blood Cancer” is a programme produced by Blood Cancer UK and ITN Productions. It aims to shine a light on the disease and explore how together, we’re going to improve the lives of all people affected by blood cancer.

27th May 2022

Two presenters sit in a TV studio smiling at the camera, a screen shows the Blood Cancer UK logo

Our position on Evusheld

Since Evusheld was approved for use by MHRA, we’ve heard from the blood cancer community that one of their greatest concerns is the delay in its rollout across the UK. We wanted to address this directly and explain the work we’ve been doing.

13th May 2022

Covid vaccine bottles

One in 22 Covid deaths are in people with blood cancer

According to new data from the Office of National Statistics, 1 in every 22 people who died of Covid in England and Wales between January and March had blood cancer.

27th Apr 2022

A positive covid test

Our mission priorities: answering 4 key questions

An update on the work around our organisational strategy.

26th Apr 2022

Ben Sykes, employee of Blood Cancer UK with daughter Ivy walking at Bolton Abbey in Yorkshire.

We're funding 13 new research projects

Find out more about the latest blood cancer research projects that will receive £3 million pounds of funding from Blood Cancer UK

14th Apr 2022

Three scientists check over some results on a report in a lab, surrounded by equipment.

Our audiences: who should we be talking to?

As part of Blood Cancer UK's new organisational strategy, we looked at how we can define and develop our audiences so we can work towards our vision of beating blood cancer.

1st Apr 2022

Group of supporters at the Great North Run

What happens if I have blood cancer and test positive for covid?

We talked to six people with blood cancer about their experience of accessing new antiviral and antibody treatments after they tested positive for covid.

29th Mar 2022

A positive covid test