
Follicular lymphoma symptoms and diagnosis

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Follicular lymphoma symptoms

Follicular lymphoma can cause a range of different symptoms, but not everyone will get all or even any of these symptoms. Each person is different and will have a different experience.

Common symptoms

The main symptom of follicular lymphoma is swollen lymph nodes, which feel like lumps. People often talk about having ‘swollen glands’. These won’t necessarily be painful.

The most common place for you to notice lumps would be in your neck, armpit or groin (at the top of the inside of your leg, where it meets your body). In these areas the lymph nodes lie just under the skin, so you’re more likely to notice if they’re swollen.

Sometimes, the affected lymph nodes can be deeper in your body. You may not be able to see the swelling, but you might have other symptoms caused by this. The symptoms you get will depend on where the swollen lymph nodes are in your body, and which organs they’re pressing against.

These symptoms might include:

  • pain in the chest or stomach area (abdomen)
  • bone pain
  • skin lumps
  • coughing or breathlessness

If you have follicular lymphoma, you may also have fatigue – this is when you feel tired most of the time. It’s not the same as ordinary tiredness which improves with sleep or rest.

B symptoms

You might also have some of the following symptoms, known as B symptoms:

  • fever (38ºC or higher with no evidence of an infection)
  • unexplained weight loss in the last six months (at least 10% - one tenth - of your previous weight)
  • drenching night sweats which soak your nightclothes and bedding.
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More information on Follicular lymphoma